Thursday, April 23, 2009

Exile and Redemption in Tanach and Jewish History

Sunday, April 26, 2009
9:15am - 2:00pm
Yeshiva University, Furst Hall 500 Room 501
West 185th Street
New York, NY

The Third YU Yom Iyun!
Advance registration is encouraged at
E-mail us at

Rabbi Jacob J Schacter "Exile, Redemption and the State of Israel: Reshit Tzemichat Geulatenu?"

Rabbi Mordechai Cohen "Nehama Leibowitz on Reading Tanach in Light of Ramban’s Literary Approach to Sefer Shemot"
Rabbi Jeremy Wieder "Changes in Historical Writing in the Aftermath of the Exile - Divrei HaYamim vs. Nevi'im Rishonim"
Rabbi Hayyim Angel "Prophecy as Potential: the Consolations of Yeshayahu in Context"
Dr. Jess Olson "The Hidden Religious Tensions in Jewish Nationalist Identity Before World War I"
Dr. Josh Karlip "The Netziv's Views Toward the Redemptive Potential of the Early Zionist Movement"

Mrs. Yael Leibowitz "Sin and Exile in Genesis: A Commentary on the Human Condition"
Dr. Ephraim Kanarfogel "The Messianic Age in the Thought of Rishonei Ashkenaz: A Comparative Analysis"
Dr. Shira Weiss "'Let Freedom Ring': Does Physical Liberation Constitute Freedom?"
Mrs. Daphna Fishman Secunda "Maimonides and Moshiach"
Dr. Aaron Koller "Can Life Go on Without a Temple? A Debate in Second Temple and Rabbinic Judaism."

12:30pm-1pm Lunch

Dr. Naomi Grunhaus "Sheep Being Led to the Slaughter: Jewish Interpretation of the Suffering Servant in Yeshayahu 53"
Dr. Shawn Zelig Aster "Building the Jewish Nation in the time of Nehemiah"
Mrs. Elana Stein Hain "Vegetarianism and Sacrifice in Messianic Times"
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin "The First Exile: Uncovering the Roots of Etz Hada'at"
Dr. David Berger “When will the Messiah Come? Jewish Calculations of the End of days.”

Mrs. Nechama Price "Splitting of the Seas in Tanach"
Rabbi Shalom Carmy "Messiah son of Joseph: From Tanach to R. Kook"
Rabbi Menachem Leibtag "The Purpose of Prophecy vs. The Realities of Redemption"
Professor Yaakov Elman "The Principle of "First Darkness, Then Light" in Reb Zadok's View of Creation, the Exodus, and Human Life"
Rabbi Mitchell Orlian “Churban u’Vinyan Bisefer Michah” (Hebrew)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Second Leqah Conversation with Dr. Shai Secunda!

Following the highly enlightening inaugural meeting of Teiqu's new Leqah Conversation series, we are excited to announce the second meeting:
"Critical Methods be-Ohalei Shem: A Conversation about Academic Talmud and its Religious Implications" with Dr. Shai Secunda (Blaustein Postdoctoral Associate in Judaic Studies, Yale University and Campus Couple of SCW). Wednesday April 22nd 9:30 PM 36th Street Residence Hall BEREN CAMPUS
Sponsored by TAC and YSU
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Here are the suggested readings:
1. Some reasons and justifications for Academic Talmud:
"On the Legitimacy, or Indeed, Necessity, of Scientific Disciplines for True "Learning of the Talmud" by: Daniel Sperber in Orthodox Forum: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah
5. Daniel Sperber - Scientific Disciplines
2. Some hesitations about Academic Talmud: "Camino Real and Modern Talmud Study"by Rabbi Shalom Carmy in the same book. (Online here:
3. A case study in Academic Talmud by our very own Dr. Shai Secunda!
Finally, some extra readings:
"Progressive Derash and Retrospective Peshat: Nonhalakhic Considerations in Talmud Torah" by: Yaakov Elman in the same Orthodox Forum.
Yaakov Elman - Nonhalakhic Considerations in Talmud Torah