Following the highly enlightening inaugural meeting of Teiqu's new Leqah Conversation series, we are excited to announce the second meeting:
"Critical Methods be-Ohalei Shem: A Conversation about Academic Talmud and its Religious Implications" with Dr. Shai Secunda (Blaustein Postdoctoral Associate in Judaic Studies, Yale University and Campus Couple of SCW). Wednesday April 22nd 9:30 PM 36th Street Residence Hall BEREN CAMPUS
Sponsored by TAC and YSU
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Here are the suggested readings:
1. Some reasons and justifications for Academic Talmud:
"On the Legitimacy, or Indeed, Necessity, of Scientific Disciplines for True "Learning of the Talmud" by: Daniel Sperber in Orthodox Forum: Modern Scholarship in the Study of Torah
5. Daniel Sperber - Scientific Disciplines
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2. Some hesitations about Academic Talmud: "Camino Real and Modern Talmud Study"by Rabbi Shalom Carmy in the same book. (Online here:
3. A case study in Academic Talmud by our very own Dr. Shai Secunda!
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Finally, some extra readings:
"Progressive Derash and Retrospective Peshat: Nonhalakhic Considerations in Talmud Torah" by: Yaakov Elman in the same Orthodox Forum.
Yaakov Elman - Nonhalakhic Considerations in Talmud Torah
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