Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Inaugural Reading Club!!

We are very pleased to announce a new element of Teiqu, called the Leqah (לקח) series. We hope to create a community of engaged and intellectually curious students who will meet monthly to hear a presentation and discuss a number of articles on a specific topic of import.
The inaugural event will meet in the Skycaf in Belfer Hall 12th floor at 9:30PM on Monday, March 30th. The topic of discussion will be interfaith dialogue. Rabbi Yehudah Sarna will open with a short discussion about personal experiences and insight he has received as Chancellor of the Hillel in NYU. After that, we will have a discussion among the attending students. We encourage everyone (though of course it isn't mandatory) to read the following articles, listed in order of importance (for the discussion):
1. Confrontation by Rabbi Soloveitchik:
2. The "Daat Torah"/Interfaith dialogue doesn't have much value approach:
3. The "Daat Torah is wrong"/Interfaith dialogue is essential approach:

And additional, valuable sources for anyone interested:
a) Comparing Rabbi Soloveitchik's approach to interfaith dialogue with that of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel:
b) Hindu-Jewish Leadership Conference (thanks ME)

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